Through intuitive guidance, receive the clarity you need to know exactly
Who You Really Are,
What your purpose and function is here, and
be released of all resistance
Now what I have available are these short and sweet Energy Coaching Packages that anyone who is new to me can purchase and experience how this work can unfold for them.
Some of the sessions are Energetic, depending on what someone needs, and sometimes they are coaching. It works beautifully and perfectly, as it can be customized to suit what each individual's needs might be.
Just trust what your spiritual guidance is telling you to do.
This system works. Through many, many years of guidance and training, I able to tune in to a higher power, see exactly what was going in your interior, deliver messages and for you, so that you will gain that clarity and a clearing in a very short period of time.
Plus, there are follow-up included in your package so this work is anchored in you permanently. You will not be able to fall back into your old ways!
Here's what a few previous clients have had to say about the new "Energy Coaching" Sessions, "Premium Light Attunements" and "The Big Kahuna":
This system works. Through many, many years of guidance and training, I able to tune in to a higher power, see exactly what was going in your interior, deliver messages and for you, so that you will gain that clarity and a clearing in a very short period of time.
Plus, there are follow-up included in your package so this work is anchored in you permanently. You will not be able to fall back into your old ways!
Here's what a few previous clients have had to say about the new "Energy Coaching" Sessions, "Premium Light Attunements" and "The Big Kahuna":
"Suzanne goes directly to the heart of the matter at hand with clear and powerful insights. I am so very grateful for this healing connection." |
"I emerged from my session with Suzanne feeling refreshed and renewed. Which I hadn't expected, as we went really deep and I had a major emotional breakthrough. Suzanne is gentle but still gets you to do the work. I highly recommend her and am looking forward to our next session." |
"Speaking with Suzanne left me feeling so good and so excited for all that is coming into my life. She has a way of putting you at ease right away, building a relationship of trust that is necessary to do the work. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet with her and would recommend it to anyone." |
30 - Day Packages
Premium Light AtunementsThis is for you if you're just getting started with energy work and you want to experience it, or, you just want to check in for a periodic tune-up.
$950. |
The Big Kahuna
$1950. |
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we can connect for a call first. |
My session with Suzanne was so amazing and the two words that come to mind first are: beautiful and powerful. |
"Before working with Suzanne I was in a pretty good space but felt that there was a particular negative energy that had latched on to me. After our session, I felt a lightness and a deep sense of love and caring which stayed with me for days. There was a release of the blockage and a freedom in my body as well as a deep feeling of acceptance. |
“Before working with Suzanne I had been uncertain about which direction to start putting my energies toward. I knew my passions and desires to make a difference in other people’s lives, but I wasn’t sure what direction to go in. |
"Suzanne is a gifted intuitive healer with a calm grounded presence. During our session I felt what felt like a divine energy flow through me - an energy Source connection that allowed me to receive real clarity on my life purpose: That my work is to support the re-emergence of the divine feminine in the world and to support women entrepreneurs in using their spiritual faculties and bringing a sense of the sacred and ritual into their lives and business. I was able to see the next steps and to move through what was holding me back. |
About Suzanne Goulet

Energy Healer, Life & Entrepreneurship Coach, and long time student of channeled materials including A Course in Miracles, Suzanne uses her training and ability to connect to a higher power to deliver the shift, transformation and transmutation of any energies within you that are ready to release.
With careers in the film industry, gemology, options trading, real estate investing and beyond, living in over 22 cities and other locations in the US and Europe, the shifts and changes Suzanne has experienced since coming from small town Catholic beginnings has brought her to experience all of life's changes through the power of Spirit. The happiness of your life, is waiting for you.
Suzanne is the creator of the Global Energetic Downloads, transformation CDs available for you to study and receive the energies directly from Spirit from the comfort of your own headphones. As a student of Gemisphere Luminary and a Graduate Gemologist from The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), Suzanne has designed and created genuine gemstone transformational necklaces that can be found HERE.
With careers in the film industry, gemology, options trading, real estate investing and beyond, living in over 22 cities and other locations in the US and Europe, the shifts and changes Suzanne has experienced since coming from small town Catholic beginnings has brought her to experience all of life's changes through the power of Spirit. The happiness of your life, is waiting for you.
Suzanne is the creator of the Global Energetic Downloads, transformation CDs available for you to study and receive the energies directly from Spirit from the comfort of your own headphones. As a student of Gemisphere Luminary and a Graduate Gemologist from The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), Suzanne has designed and created genuine gemstone transformational necklaces that can be found HERE.
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Fill out the questionnaire and
we can connect for a call first. |